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writings from 

the womb


Mary Magdalene

The woman to see the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. This is what is said in the Bible. I grew up going to a Grace Church, which...

International Women's Day

In honor & reverence of Women everywhere, I celebrate Y O U (today & everyday)! Can you feel the collective energy today? If you sit...

Taking Time to be in Between

“By taking menstruation as a natural time for stillness and quiet in a woman’s life, we can begin to relearn the rhythm of sitting in...

Red Tent Initiation pt. 1

If you have read my other articles, you know that my journey with my Moon Cycle has been difficult. It has taken me a while to get to...

The Serpent and Our Cycles

The serpent has been a profound symbol for hundreds of thousands of years! Ancient cave paintings show winged snakes (dragons) flying...

Giving Your Blood

a precious offering ~ From the moment most girls first receive their moonblood, she is immediately taught to stuff her vagina with...

The Importance of Sharing

Recently I listened to a talk by Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters on YouTube) and he was sharing on wealthy and prosperity. Wealth is as...

Blood as Oracle

Messages from the Menstrual Blood ~ I understand that many of the topics I write about are really challenging for some people to wrap...

Womb Connection

[wo͞om]NOUN the organ in the lower body of a woman (and some transmen!) or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they...

Bleeding in the Garden

Understanding your Feminine Essence and the Power of your Blood through Earth-Centered Wisdom & Ceremony My life has lead me to this...

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