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writings from 

the womb


  • Writer's picturemichi

The Importance of Sharing

Recently I listened to a talk by Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters on YouTube) and he was sharing on wealthy and prosperity. Wealth is as simple as allowing yourself to be receptive to it. These are some of the things I walked away feeling.

We live in a consumerism culture. Day in and day out we are taking in all kinds of stimuli - for me I consume vast amounts of information in the form of books, stories, history, novels, articles and documentaries. I love information. My mind is constantly flooded with ideas about this and that. Often I feel overwhelmed to the point of not doing anything, not acting on any of my brilliant ideas. I start to worry and feel self-conscious; I'm not doing enough, contributing enough, showing up enough, speaking up enough, walking my path enough. It can be crippling.

In his video, Ralph says that if you are consuming, you better be putting something out there for others. This struck a chord in me! I have recognized that for years when I am not doing what I love the most (teaching - sharing information) I become sick and feel completely lost. This is because I am not sharing with my community, I am not putting the ideas that are weaving themselves in my head out into the collective. Because what I consume the most is in the form of information, if my output is not of the same kind, I tend to feel disconnected.

We can't keep going through life absorbing, sucking, devouring, engrossed in our interests. If we don't share what we enjoy and love, what point is there to doing what we do anyways?

This is the exact purpose of this website which is an extension of my real world work. I want to share the things I have learned that have shifted me in profound ways, in hopes that it benefits others in the process. I want to be more fluid in how I show up in this life. Less choppy and more consistent. If I learn something really monumental for me, I am going to process it and once I have integrated it fully into my body, I will come forth to share openly with others. This is the balance of consuming and creating. We create for the benefit of others. If I learned something and benefitted from it, I will do my best to share it with you.

Share your heart with the world! I am going to make more of an effort to do exactly this.

All the Blessed,


on the pacific coast, receiving the ocean. sharing my tears.

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