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writings from 

the womb


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Bleeding in the Garden

Updated: Jul 20, 2018

Understanding your Feminine Essence and the Power of your Blood

through Earth-Centered Wisdom & Ceremony

ritual photography by sister Angel Quinones

My life has lead me to this Work. I am a Women deeply connected to my Womb due to trauma, much like many Womb-Workers. I remember my First Blood being immensely painful, embarrassing, and far from celebratory. There was no initiation, no ceremony, no christening of the fact I now carried an immense responsibility. I remember my Mother crying and telling me I was now a Woman, but what did that really mean? The First Blood, or Menarche, is so important for girls because it is Rite of Passage that your body is now capable of fertility and baring children. For me, it was a ridiculous inconvenience that no one ever talked about.

It has been a long journey for me to reconnect with my Womb and to see my monthly cycle as something Sacred. There was a point when I was taking pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, and distracting myself with anything possible to tune out the pain. But what I have found was that my symptoms were (and are!) telling me something. It was my Womb begging me to pay attention. She wanted my Devotion. She wanted to teach me what it really was to be a Womb-Holder. My initiation came from my own body, many times over. Every month I find myself resurrecting ancient layers of remembrance and reverence for this path.

I have found a crucial connection in working with the Earth, especially when I Bleed. Not that I am working on a physical level, much the opposite. It is important to take time off from labor and social responsibilities when Bleeding. For me, I am communicating with her (the Earth) and releasing onto her. I am giving my body to her in supreme thanks for all she gives to me. It is about reciprocity.

In many cultures, Women are asked not to work with food, in the fields, or be among the community when she is Bleeding. Why is this? It is because we carry an immense power. One of my dear teachers shared with me that we are not even permitted in communal sacred spaces at these times because we could potentially harm others with our power, even unknowingly. She has witnessed many men in great pain or discomfort when in Lodge with a Bleeding Woman.

This is precisely why our Ancestors had separate dwellings and Ceremony Spaces for Women. We have to do our work among each other, for only we understand what is taking place within. Elders, Mothers, Women with no children, teenage women, young girls, and babies were all welcomed into these spaces. The Wise Women would share stories passed own from generations, wisdom from the Earth herself, plant medicine, craft-work, and reveal the inner workings of being a Women. They would teach the youth of the incredible power that they held within their Sacred Space. There is a massive responsibility with this power, and that takes guidance to understand.

We can see in our modern culture once these Sacred Spaces were no longer created that the wisdom stopped being circulated and the young ones went uninitiated. This created the unbalanced, over masculinized, and abusive culture we find ourselves in today. Women have been perpetuated as purely sex-objects (though this is changing!), incapable, weak, not good enough, need I go on?! Our power has been taken from us by popular culture. Menstrual Blood is considered nasty and unsafe. “Hygiene” products are bleached and perfumed with chemicals. PMS is identified as a mental health disorder. Women are not allowed to take days off or cater her schedule to her body. The list is endless, really.

So this is where my story comes back in. Through my connection with Plant Medicine, I was shown the Power of my Blood. The story is a sacred one, one I only share in person when appropriate. Needless to say, my allies showed me how to channel the power of Menstruation. As a Purification Ceremony.

If you are still reading this, I want to thank you! You probably have experienced something like what I have shared so far or maybe you want to come into Right Relationship with your monthly cycle. My work is in service to those of you who desire a connection with Menstruation. I offer my support to you by showing you how Ceremony and Ritual can create deeper, more meaningful monthly cycles for you.

We want to honor our Blood and the magnificent power that our Wombs hold during our cycle. Imagine cultivating deep gratitude for your body's natural Ceremony. With the Earth as our foundation, the Garden as our classroom, and the Plants as our teachers, we will find our strength and learn ways to channel that power for purification, renewal, creation, celebration, ecstasy, grief, and lasting Divine Connection.

My hands are open to you, arms outstretched, heart gates wide! I am here to hold you through your body's own initiations, baring witness to your unbounded raw power! Allow me to create a container space for your processes to naturally unfold, providing you with support from Mother Earth. Welcome to the Ceremony of Menstruation.

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